Adding a signature to your email:

  1. Download/Open this Word document
  2. Select All and Copy the signature table from the Word document
    (NOTE: You may not see the image in the sign-off as seen below in the Word document but rest assured it is there.)
  3. Navigate to your signature in Outlook:
  4. Paste the table into the Signature pane
  5. Make the appropriate changes to name, title, phone, mobile, email, address, etc.
    TIP: To retain the text formatting (color/font) of the template, place your cursor in the middle of the placeholder text and overwrite/delete incrementally instead of selecting it all at once. Selecting placeholder text all at once erases the formatting and uses default stationery fonts and colors.


Be aware that copying from the preview below will not guarantee that the image will retain the correct path and therefore may not work correctly in transmission.

Jane Doe

Job Title, Department


M 000.000.0000  O 000.000.0000  E
L 250 Campus Dr. Marlborough, MA 01752

Hologic Breast & Skeletal Solutions